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Soaps of Aleppo, Soaps of the freedom, Soaps of the peace of Christmas

December 24 2016, 20:30pm

Posted by Bernard Maillard

Let us greet Al Bara's soaps which are real soaps of Aleppo.

The manufacturing of these soaps did not stop in spite of the war which bruised profoundly Aleppo and its inhabitants. 

Their authenticity recognizes itself thanks to their heart which has a beautiful green color, bound to their content in laurel, peculiarity of soaps of Aleppo.


These soaps arise from an ancestral knowledge with noble oil of laurel and olive. Plant 100 %, they are developed according to a thousand-year-old craft method, of very slow cooking of oil, in the cauldron, which allows soaps to keep all their assets.

After cooking, the dough of soap rests one day in copper cauldrons, then the mixture is poured before cooling and of being then got away from the hand, in bars of soap. The latter are then stored in the soap factory and go mâturer during 9 months to the open air in a tower of drying. 

More a soap of Aleppo ages, better it is.

Aleppo was freed the day before Christmas, these soaps are soaps of the freedom, the soaps of the peace of Christmas.


Translated by the article of the blog of Malicorne



Soaps of Aleppo, Christmas 2016

Soaps of Aleppo, Christmas 2016

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