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Know to love better

August 28 2017, 22:21pm

Posted by Bernard Maillard

The reality will always overtake our imagination.

But our imagination will also allow us to create new realities, the most beautiful possible, not only for one, but especially for the others. 

Let us have to be afraid to us of new realities which are so going to appear in our lives?

It is the trust in the intrinsic beauty of the universe that will guide us to surmount this fear.

And which passes by the access to the knowledge.

And thus in the opening in the other one.

There will be always an other one's dream which will precede ours.


Translation of the original article "Connaitre pour mieux aimer" better of the Blog of Malicorne, which was written on August 28th, 2017



Know to love better
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