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to live and love the complexity of the world

November 20 2013, 22:05pm

Posted by Bernard Maillard

The world is big but our earth is such a little part of that.

I don't believe one second in the reality of the big bang. I think that it is a big imagination or a big mystification of our time.
Men want boundaries and want to touch them, in the time and in the space. In fact, this imagination is a result of our fear beside unknown.

My thought is that the limit of the world is more ever great than a result of a sudden explosion some billions of years ago, since our earth alone has a life of more than 4 billions of years.
It is possible to take into consideration this hypothesis with some reinterrogations of the actual physical description of the world, in link with the observations. For instance we can take in consideration a spatial density of energy, positive and negative, and admit the possibility of an evolution of her in the time.
We are very very small in this world.
And in the same time, the complexity of the life and the physical world is more diversified than we can see and understand.

And my intimate conviction, with the infinite space, the infinite complexity of the physical and live space, and with the irreversible character of the real time in which we find again this complexity, we have a local reflect of the global world in each point and each time.
We have to observe and listen, and then my conviction is that we can discover the breathe and the reflects of the physical and live world in all its complexity.

Perhaps, there is an other fear, which can block our capacity to listen, feel and see the world. It is the absence of confidence, of truth, in the men to manage the knowledge, to share this knowledge, to live with this knowledge, to do and act in a way for the service of the humanity, not to concentrate powers in the hand of some people with a major risk of madness in the hand.
With ten billions of people on the earth, it is possible, with sharing the knowledge, to build a peacefull and lovely world in the respect of the differences and of the freedom of every body, now and for the future.
It needs education but also hard work, first on him self and also in team, and mutual aid.
In this education, the place of the phlilosophy for the consideration of its own soul and responsabilities and duties in link with the world, is fundamental to build together in confidence this world.

The world begins in the present time and in the proximity of every body.
It is ambitious but the only way to fight the war and the disasters

from original ideas put on the blog of malicorne, and from discussions through the world

Trees in autumn in Saint Germain-en-Laye, France november 2013

Trees in autumn in Saint Germain-en-Laye, France november 2013

Comment on this post
Cherish the world we live and love it!:)
As you said, we should try to listen, feel, and see the world. I'm trying now!:)