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The dawn of a new Euro-Mediterranean space

April 3 2016, 16:15pm

Posted by Bernard Maillard

The deluge of violence and fire which invades us will endly go out.

After the war, in which, France, we are actively involved today, will come the time of the peace.

That the current fragile truce and the victorious resistance against the inhumanity in Syria is the prelude of this peace.

It is this peace time which it is necessary to us to build, without naivety nor fatalism.

After the fratricide wars and the horrors which accompanied them, the European countries tried in the last century to build Europe.

The violence of the inhumanity, the unemployment, and the war was not moved away unfortunately durably. The current inhumanities throughout the Mediterranean region and in Europe question us.

The financial bankruptcies and the environmental disasters on the scale of the planet are in front of us and increase.

The European project is not any more today than an old-fashioned and inappropriate mirage with regard to the reality from now on present in Europe and in the whole of the Mediterranean region.

Little by little, it is transformed into ghost ship of an empire which would claim itself world, become crazy, bureaucratic and totalitarian.

It is necessary to us to build a space wider than simple Europe. An euro-Mediterranean space which would lean on our closeness, by drawing from the history of our misfortunes the lessons of our past errors.

And by asserting the trust found in the man and in his capacity to live in peace in society, like it was already possible in some back times.

With the aim of this peace, the freedom to think, to circulate, and to trade has to reconcile the respect and the help for the weakest. This harmony between the freedom and the mutual aid establishes the essential common good of a civilized society from which the priority general interest is being able to protect her over time.

The peace and the well together depend then by the action of each in this necessary harmony between the freedom and the mutual aid, and in the consideration of the general interest which is associated with it.

He results from it the necessary superiority of politic in charge of the general interest in front of the economy and the finance. These are necessary and useful in the society, but cannot constitue it only by their existences.

So, everybody should be able to bring quite freely its own added value in the harmonious constitution of the society and in the political governance of this one.

Also every City / nation state built gradually by its own constituent people and by its history should be able to bring by itself its own contribution in the protection of the harmony between the liberties and the mutual aid, and in its sustainability in time.

At the same time, the democratic and political governance must be capable of stopping any corruption and any excessive concentration of powers.

It is in this political governance, recognizing the added value of every person and the superiority of the constituent peoples to guarantee durably the joint and harmonious exercise of the liberties and the mutual aid, that we have to conceive and build the Euro-Mediterranean political space of tomorrow.

This space will be established in the freedom and the solidarity between sovereign cities / nations and based on the principles and the following objectives:

1/to facilitate the support for the establishment and for the sustainability of any laic State and democratically established, assuring jointly the protection and the respect for the freedom of each, and the porterage of the general interest.

For a country as France, it passes by energetic but democratic and republican regaining control of its fate.

The eradication of the national debts will allow to strengthen the superiority of policy on the economic and financial power.

The free enterprise and free association will be recognized as factors of value creation, just like the missions of general interest supported by the administrations and the public enterprises.

2/to develop any cooperation freely established between sovereign States, first of all those carrying on:

- the education

To facilitate the access free and generalized in the fundamental knowledges

- The scientific research

to Promote the public governances facilitating scientific and technical choices respecting the human dignity and the freedom of the future generations

to Facilitate the implementation and the deployment of research programs of common interest

- The common infrastructures and mutually shared by energy, by transport, by communication, by health,

Infrastructures managed in missions of general interest will facilitate the access to the vital services, of water, electricity, food and care everywhere of the territory.

The electric interconnection, which gathers the Maghreb in Europe today will be actively pursued on the whole Mediterranean region. She will allow to value and to mutualize the local productions and the investments in the without carbon, renewable and nuclear energies.

Databases and systems of sharing and broadcasting of the information will be redundant to facilitate the putting in sharing)and the security of the data.

The free circulation of the goods, the services and the people, and the industrial development within the euro-Mediterranean space will be promoted.

- The reasoned and responsible exploitation for lands, for the sea, for the space

The exploitation and the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea, and all the seas lining Europe and territories overseas will be the object of priority cooperations facilitating the sustainable development and the opening to the world.

The agriculture and the breeding will be recognized as activities facilitating the life and the sustainability of territories, even the most isolated (rural space, mountains, islands).

The discovery and the progressive exploration of the solar system will constitute a privileged topic of the world, scientific cooperation at first but also industrial, for which the specific skills will be developed within the euro-Mediterranean space.

- The fight against any corruption and the terrorism

Any support and any financial link with tax havens will be deleted.

The military alliance on the euro-Mediterranean space to protect the peace and the development

No territorial extra alliance will be established or renewed without the explicit approval and regularly approved by the concerned peoples.

3/ opening and world cooperation

Opening in any mode of dialogue and cooperation at the world level on the basis of the principles developed within euro-Mediterranean Space, this one having in no way the exclusivity of the negotiation or the dialogue.

Only the sovereign States can commit their peoples.

Promotion of the peace, the cooperation and the reasoned and respectful development of the future generations at the world level.

4/cultural identity of the new space Euro-Mediterranean

The identity does not amount to a shared governance or to a list of so exciting, common projects they are.

It also depends on the place given to the art, to the imagination, to the creation, as to the recognition of the diversity of the expression and the elegance, from Damascus to Paris, and from Tunis to Oslo.

It also bases on the memory of the works and the empires which were able to be born and to disappear throughout the Mediterranean region and in Europe or from Europe and which did not last forever.

The way of being, to act, to think and to live could constitute the soul of this new space.

translated from french article


Saint Peteŕs Harbour , Penmarc´h, Bigouden country , France , in February 2016

Saint Peteŕs Harbour , Penmarc´h, Bigouden country , France , in February 2016

The water returns again on Aleppoin Syria on March 5 th , 2016

The water returns again on Aleppoin Syria on March 5 th , 2016

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