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Sunday of July in Pekin (Beijing)

July 30 2013, 12:36pm

Posted by Bernard Maillard

it was on Sunday, I discovered China for the first time. It was very warm. I did not see in hundred meters. Buildings grew of everywhere. I got in touch with the human density as ever I had met it, but also and especially with the pollution.

Discovery of the Tien' Anmen’s Place, but we do not see the end of the place, nor Mao's mausoleum!

The Forbidden City gets free

And opens us the way to Sun Yet Sen's park

Ah, if there was no this terrible pollution

China burns more than 3 billion tons of coal today a year, is more than half coal burned in the world. Her CO2 emissions were already 7 billion tons in 2010. With the fifth of the world population, China already consumes the fifth of the demand in energy, and the fifth of the world demand for electricity. China is exposed from now on very major risks: - Her demand in energy and in electricity grow three times faster than her population - Her CO2 emissions, and all the pollution that goes with it, exceed from now on clearly the world average, with a value of 5,43 tons of CO2 emitted for China, for world value of 4,44 tons per capita - The health of her population is exposed to major risk factors, with a direct consequence on of the respiratory organs of immense populations The energy situation in China has a direct, sanitary, social and environmental cost which nobody really takes into account today, and in which, by the volume of our imports coming from China, we have, us Westers, a direct part of responsibility. There has to be situated the real energy transition which France should wear and to encourage: how to help, to support, to promote China towards a sober economy in consumption in energy, and to low pollution, by decreasing the part of the fossil fuels, and by promoting the energies with low carbon (renewable and safe nuclear energies) ?



french initial version of this article in blog de Malicorne


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